Green, Daniel. 2021. “Indeterminacy and evidentiality in police interviewing: an explorative analysis of suspect statements in German”. Presented at The Pragmatics of Evidentiality: Inter- and intra-linguistic perspectives on pragmatic aspects of evidentiality marking in communication, University of Ca’ Foscari, Venice (Online), 19-21 June 2021.
Green, Daniel; Hernandez, Anaruth; Nasr, Doha; Bray, Katie. 2020. “’Aus Hass gegen das Untermenschentum‘: exploring the discursive construction of obedience in executioners’ applications in the Third Reich”. Presented at 21st Roundtable for the Semiotics of Law (IRLS) and 15th Conference on Translation, Interpreting and Comparative Legilinguistic (Legal Linguistics), Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, 26-27 June 2020.
Green, Daniel. 2020. “Drafting the Vienna Declaration on research ethics in legal linguistics: Concepts, considerations and concerns”. Presented at 3rd International Legal Linguistics Workshop (ILLWS20), online, 12-13 Dec. 2020.
Green, Daniel; Kager, Klara. 2019. “Partizipative Lücke und Strafprozessrecht: Der Laie im österreichischen Mandatsverfahren”. Presented at Tagung LaienWissenSprache, Kiel University, 5-7 Sep. 2019.
Green, Daniel. 2019. “Strategic indeterminacy and online privacy policies: (un)informed consent and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)”. Presented at Fourth ILLA conference, University of California, Los Angeles, 11-14 Sep. 2019.
Green, Daniel; Özçelik, Aylin; Green Luke. 2019. “Corpus-based and context-sensitive instruction in legal language teaching: evidence from ‚Language and Law‘ at GRgWikuRg für Berufstätige”. Presented at Contemporary approaches to legal linguistics, Austrian Association for Legal Linguistics, University of Vienna, 8-10 Nov. 2019.
Green, Daniel; Lohner, Ulrike. 2018. “Linguistic indeterminacy and statutory interpretation: revisiting ethic adjectives in Austrian civil law”. Presented at GSFL forensic linguistics roundtable, University of York, 2-5 Aug. 2018.
Green, Daniel. 2018. “Linguistic indeterminacy and online privacy policies: a corpus-based analysis of strategic vagueness in the wake of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)”. Presented at Jurilingüística 2018 – jurilinguistics 2018, Pablo de Olavide University, Sevilla, 24-26 Oct. 2018.
Green, Daniel; Ameringer, Victoria. 2018. “Legal aptitude and working memory: an interdisciplinary account of legal language processing”. Presented at 44th Austrian linguistics conference, University of Innsbruck, 26-28 Oct. 2018.
Green, Daniel. 2017. “Was ist Rechtslinguistik?”. Presented at the Foundation conference of the Austrian Association for Legal Linguistics, University of Vienna, 30 Sep. 2017.
Green, Daniel. 2017. “Rechtslinguistische Perspektiven zur historischen Diskursanalyse”. Presented at the Foundation conference of the Austrian Association for Legal Linguistics, University of Vienna, 30 Sep. 2017.
Green, Daniel. 2017. “Adjectival vagueness in legal language: the case of the Austrian Civil Code”. Presented at 43rd Austrian linguistics conference, Alpen Adria University, Klagenfurt, 8-10 Dec. 2017.
Green, Daniel. 2016. “The participation gap in the normative space: the state of play in Austria”. Presented at Participatory culture and the future of democracy, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, 29 Sep. – 1 Oct. 2016.